2023 Presidency: The Youths as The Leaders of Today

In Nigeria, young people often find themselves marginalized from mainstream politics and decision making from the local government (grassroots) up to the federal level.
They struggle to gain the respect of public officials and are seen as the set who are lacking the skills and experience to engage in political activity and lead positive change in their communities and society at large.
This exclusion, combined with limited educational and economic opportunities in Nigerian has causes a lot in the full participation of the young people in politics.
A study revealed that a lot of challenges are being faced by the Nigerian youths which subsequently have led them to being indulged in various criminal activities, drug abuse, prostitution and violence.
The anger of the youth was clearly showed up on the end sars movement. The #EndSARS movement saw a majority of Nigeria’s marginalized youth, who make up over 35.6% of the total population, participate in one of the largest demonstration since the country’s democratic transition in 1999, (National Bureau of Statistics; New York Times, 13 November 2020).
So, for any society to move forward, youths must be involve in all aspect of the society because they are young and full of energy. With fresh energy they can ensure the growth of society.
They are expected to advance the current technology, education, politics and peace of country not what we are seeing in many Nigerian youths of today which violence and criminal activities has taken the mind of many unemployed youths in this country.
There are numerous advantages attached to the inclusion of youth in politics, having charismatic and passionate youths who are politically conscious will foster a rapid growth and development in all sectors of the economy.
Also, the youths are better performers in the area of sensitization and mobilization of the electorates during electioneering campaigns.
This is why it has become apparent for all youths in this country to use social media to mobilize themselves to vote for qualified youthful candidates with positive ideology for the betterment of Nigerian society.
The people who claims to be leaders today, they started this struggling since they were youth and begin to build their future from the time that they had energy and fresh mind.
If we idle away, waiting for the future without finding it, then there is no reason to achieve anything in common. don’t let someone play with the opportunity you have. Be who you are and face what will change the narrative.
~Chukwuemeka Mohammed.