October 18, 2024

Speech delivered by Caretaker Chairman of Ajaokuta LGA at flag-off of palliatives distribution provided by Kogi state government


It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I Hon Aliyu Ogido Haruna stand here before you today as the Caretaker Chairman of Ajaokuta LG, to not only express my appreciation but also to announce the flag-off of the palliatives provided by the state government.

These palliatives have been put in place to cushion the effect of the current hardships that our people are facing.

First and foremost, I want to extend my sincere thanks to His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Kogi State, Alhaji Usman Ahmed Ododo. His gesture in providing these palliatives truly reflects his commitment to ameliorating the suffering of the people of our entire state. We are grateful for his leadership and the efforts he has made to ensure that the welfare of the citizens is a top priority.

His Excellency has given us the order to distribute these palliatives evenly to everyone putting aside political affiliations, hence everyone citizens of Ajaokuta are to benefits. This is a testament to his commitment to fairness and equality, as well as his desire to alleviate the hardships that have befallen our beloved land. We, as the caretaker committee, will take this order to heart and ensure that every citizen of Ajaokuta LGA benefits from this kind gesture of the state government.

To achieve this goal, I call upon all my Supervisory Councillors to engage with various stakeholders in the community such as monarchs, ward heads, religious leaders, market leaders, drivers union, Okada union, and other community leaders. By involving these individuals, we can guarantee that the palliatives are distributed sincerely and in a manner that benefits all citizens.

To ensure fairness and accountability, I assure you all that I will personally supervise the sharing formula. No biased approach will be tolerated, and any deviation from the set guidelines will be dealt with decisively. This administration is committed to transparency and equity, and we will not allow any form of discrimination or favouritism to taint the distribution process.

I also want to take a moment to commend the effort of the Apex leader of Ajaokuta LGA, Honorable Sanni, the Federal Lawmaker representing our constituency. He has advised and guided me on how to replicate the state government’s standards to the benefit of the citizens of Ajaokuta. His support has been invaluable, and I am grateful for his wisdom and dedication to our community.

Under my watch, Ajaokuta will continue to experience quality leadership. I am committed to supporting the state government in its consolidation agenda, and I will require the full support of every citizen of Ajaokuta LGA to achieve this. Together, we can create a thriving and prosperous community that benefits every single individual.

In conclusion, I want to once again express my deepest gratitude to His Excellency, Governor Ahmed Ododo, for his unwavering commitment to the welfare of our people. The palliatives provided will go a long way in easing the hardships we are currently facing. Let us work together to ensure that these palliatives are distributed fairly and make a real difference in the lives of our citizens.

Thank you all.

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