October 17, 2024

Homepreneurs Can Build A Better Nation

A society, either of bad elements or good breeds is always as a result of the inactions and actions of parents, mothers in particular. When there are good women who prioritise the social, psychological and moral compass of their children at home whilst businesses come afterwards, there would be a society void of moral decadence and all sorts of social vices.

A non-fictitous story of a woman–a career woman to be precised–who had left her children in the care of a house help that almost set the woman’s apartment on fire due to her recklessness and negligence while having the children sleeping inside of the house should be a scary narrative amongst others in which women who are involved in homepreneurship must be given their flowers.

Good communities that manage to transform to being good societies which leads to a great nation are all as a result of homepreneurs–women who prioritise their home over their career.

We live in a country, today, where corruption–in its different form, has eaten deep into our systems–ranging from education, economy, security and what have you. Leaders are no more illustrious, and followers are toeing on that path. What a calamity!

The Western side of the world had established a system which I call the ‘modern society’ . This society is further made up of two entities–one which indulges a woman to serve her home whilst working as a career personnel, and the other which promotes the ideology of a woman not having any business with her home but her work, only. The society in question is a stark contrast to the traditional society in which the past leaders of our country operated on with their family. Reason why we shouldn’t bother to question the state of things as they are now compared to those times.

A significant number of Nigerian women who are working have, lately, transitioned from serving their home while working to working while neglecting their home. Toddlers are now being flooded in schools for no cogent reasons. Children that are supposed to be nurtured by the parents, particularly the mother, before exposing them to this toxic world, are now left in the care of strangers whom they call nanny. The basic training becomes absent. As a parent, hardly you can communicate to your child without people noticing nowadays. We are losing it gradually and it is worrisome that it isn’t catching up with us unconsciously–it is to everybody’s awareness but only few care.

The recent reform in the education sector of our country, pronouncing the non-eligibility of an under eighteen year old child to gain admission to higher institutions, has made many parents shared their takes of which some didn’t sound logical. Just as we’re taught in the prestigious Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State, learning must be aligned with good character for it to excel, else it is bound to crash. And, most percentages of the acquisition of good character starts from home. How do we now build a home with the ideology of allowing an under eighteen to come into a university which is unarguably another universe on its own?

To mothers out there, it should be understood that, you can work and still take care of your home. You can break the glass ceiling with your home in the right shape. It’s not theoretical. Spend quality time with your children. We have a quite numbers of notable mothers that are setting the record straight in the world while serving their home.

The renowned financial expert and economist–Dr. Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, has a home and it’s in the right shape. Her career didn’t start overnight. She built it while building her children. Same goes to other reputable women in the country with records of how pleasing they have built their home to be.

Do not neglect your home for anything; have it running concurrently with whatever it is you’re working towards or on. For a nation that is in a brink of collapse is, obviously, having its defects from homes that are lacking the services of qualitative homepreneurs.

Yusuf Danjuma Yunusa is a 400lv student of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State, and can be reached via: theonlygrandeur@gmail.com or 07069180810

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