As Kashim Akor lights up Igalaland – By Haruspice

Obviously moved by altruism and enviable love for fatherland, Dr Kashim Akor is going round the red earthly domains of Igalaland lightening towns, hamlets and villages in his personal voyage to give back to the society. From Ankpa through Omala down to Olamaboro, it is same illuminating intervention by the helmsman at the National Productivity Center.
In a roughly counted time, Dr Kashim Akor has lightened up once darkened parts of our land with solar-powered street lights. Life in parts of Kashim’s interventions has been fascinating with nightlife at its zenith. The time that saw people retires prematurely to bed have been halted as both young and old stay awake -long in embrace of the night that is likened to the daytime.
Those scary and lurking shadows that accompany one once in the village at night have been dwarfed by the shining light that comes from the strategically stationed street lights. The once beautiful village life is back courtesy the selfless man who is more communal than individual.
In appreciation of this rare gesture, the prestigious and highly respected Ankpa Elders Forum has set aside December 28 in honour of Dr Kashim Akor for his selfless venture, for his communal investment, for his humanitarian zeal . Indeed, when someone does the unimaginable, he should be applauded, hence the recognition that comes to the man who is lightening up Igalaland.
Impressively musing