March 15, 2025

Finishing Strong on the Altar of Justice and Fairness: The GYB/CEDO Precedent

The perfect ending to any day, race, task or project is to FINISH STRONG” — Gary Ryan Blair.

Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello of Kogi State has practically shown to be the hero of his own story. He has also shown the world the quality of his own personality, the strength of his resolve and the size of his heart. The actual secret of a peaceful and harmonious society lies squarely in the determination and special attributes of a leader that seeks to equalize a balance in managing the various diversities that are already institutionalized in any known society. Be it religion, be it ethnicity and be it skin colour.

Pre-2015 was a Kogi state engulfed in mutual suspicion amongst tribes and religion as regards who takes what and when in virtually all spheres of our societal life. It was a state where you can easily predict who benefits what and where what would be located. It was a state where what you get was a function of the tongue you speak. It was a state where your affiliation with religion opens magnificent doors for you as a person.

Permit me to digress a little to when as a young boy, I was seeking admission in the Prince Abubakar University. I had passed the mandatory jamb exam and scored the required pass mark to be admitted into the department I desire. There was no post UTME back then so it was an express lane into the university. After much pressing personally, list after lists came out without my name being included in the various lists which were known as batch one, batch two, three and so on. I was already getting frustrated till my uncle who was then the director of protocols to a former governor of the state had to smuggle my name in a particular last list obviously disguising as if I was from a particular ethnic group through his influence at the Government house. This was after discovering that those who scored far below what I scored have gained admission into the university. Some never even scored the required cut off. At last, through influence, good luck smiled on me and I was given admission even in two departments. I marveled and was brainstorming on even the option to choose from. These was same me who was not earlier considered. all of that were now history.

Back to my discourse, at a point in Kogi State, attainment of directorship cadre and the status of a permanent secretary in the state were practically attached to who you know and where you come from. The position of the head of service was almost an exclusive reserve for certain segments. All because of the sectionalists approach to governance that was obtainable in the State. State Political appointments were also not distributed in a way that reflected our diversities. Recommendations for federal appointments were also laced with tribal and religious sentiments. That was the trademark of previous administrations in the state.

The coming of the GYB/CEDO led administration birthed the effective management of our diversity as a state on the path guided by equity, justice and fairness. I have closely watched as appointments into state cabinet are well balanced, I have seen the equitable distribution of senior civil service positions across all religious and ethnic concerns in the state. I have practically seen the absence of bias in the allocation of admission and employment slots into state MDAs and institutions. It is also impressing seeing those without political connections gaining admissions into the various state higher institutions as against previous modus operandi. I see people from various ethnic groups in the state being considered as consultants in various sectors.

The GYB/CEDO led administration should be given kudos in this regards. All this when sustained will continue to put the state on a path of greatness. Sustainability however can only be achieved when those who birthed an idea are encouraged to part of the next plans. Reasons being that other political actors across other political divides might have developed discomfort over some of those various strides that have earned the regime accolades. The GYB/CEDO administration is obviously finishing strongly as such a continuity in vision will guarantee sustainability.

Fanisi Babatunde, A Doctoral Research Scholar writes from Afe Babalola University, Ado- Ekiti .

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