March 16, 2025

Nigeria And 2023 Presidency: Yahaya Bello’s Aura

By Elder Omale Ben.

If ‘ignorance is a disease’ can only be understood, those who know the true meaning of the word will not join unscrupulous castigators. It is usually defined simply as ‘lack of knowledge.’ But, originating from the word ‘ignore’ makes it a deliberate refusal to have the knowledge or information about whatever is in question.

I wish to state that many people make statements out of personal dislike for others without knowledge of the implicative weight of such dispositions. As Nigerian Youths demand that Governor Yahaya Bello vie for the presidency in 2023, it is simply an indication that they have woken up from the hypnosis cast on them by the elderly political class. It is a re-awakening to the sense of reasons of the Youths. The Nigerian Youths have come of age and capacity to deliver good ideas, quality knowledge, and making good choices.

The “exemplary leadership of Yahaya Bello as the incumbent Governor in Kogi State” are as glaring to be ignored. We shouldn’t be misguided by ‘Nigerian Factor’ to distort global human templates. If the State is being acknowledged and applauded for an overwhelming inclusion of Women, Youths and People Living With Disabilities, PLWDs in governance, the peculiarities of the State puts the Governor at a vantage point by his antecedents. Kogi State is the melting pot of the Nigerian nation.

In-as-much as I am not here to defend or present Governor Yahaya Bello, conscience demands that we must be fair to issues to avoid unnecessary repercussions of boomerang and karmic wheel of life. Governor White Lion Bello, even for the youthful dispositions and stance on state and national security matters alone, must be highly appreciated and commended. His unification trait of harmonizing the complex ethnic clusters is a case study of repute.

The uncommon peculiarities and aura make the person of a Yahaya Bello, who’s native name of Adoza (Father Of All) is already hauntingly playing out. As Father Of Kogi State already, what is providence having as the checker towards 2023? As if it was designed (of course, divinely), Kogi State confluences the major rivers of the country; the blend of the blackish River Benue and the whitish River Niger are an interpretation of unification. And, incidentally, Governor Yahaya Bello is walking the path of the context and enshrining the tenets of the same.

The larger Nigerian populations out there who do not belong to any of the gladiating political parties but are also electorates and political stakeholders both in Kogi State and the Nigerian Nation are hearing and watching and waiting for the appropriate time to decide who gladens their heart through democratic responsibilities.

The larger populations out there are also seeing and endorsing Yahaya Bello on this new wave of political development, from within the State and across the wider scope of Nigeria to the diasporas. Let the sense of judgement and choice of candidature for every single position be left open to the public. Our personal ambitions, perspectives and idiosyncrasies must not be forced on others to either confuse or convince them…

From an Elder’s Perspective, Governor Yahaya Bello and Kogi State are an osmosis. If what plays out in Kogi State can pull the surrounding States to confluence, the unity-oils of the State can soil them altogether.

Since the creation of Kogi State, which Governor has acted the unification role? Who has confluenced and knitted the multi-ethnic Kogites?? And, who has secured the land and people in Kogi ever, to the present state of relatively peaceful growth???

GYB is in control of Kogi State. He is in touch with the people.
Should he become PYB, he will too be in control, be in touch with Nigerians, safeguard Nigeria and unify the diversely ethnic clusters of Nigeria.

As 2023 unfolds gradually, may we think and reason well, choose well and determine the good fate of The Giant Of Africa. The bulk stops at our ballot paper at every turn of events.

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