March 17, 2025

Seven (7) Benefits of CUSTECH To Kogi State and Nigeria at Large by E – Media

Benefits of the Confluence University of Science and Technology Osara built by the administration of Governor Yahaya Hello are many. Of these benefits, some of them are:

As Economic Engines:
Higher institutions such as Universities are hotbeds of innovation and entrepreneurship. The new direction government plans for CUSTECH is inclusive of academic research and technologies that will intimate and drive an array of vital industries. CUSTECH will in prospect provide students with the skills to compete in increasingly global workplaces and are themselves major employers.

Past few years, Nigeria’s universities contributed a total amount to the country and supported over hundred thousands jobs (directly and indirectly) across all skill levels. And recent researches have shown that such economic impacts will be more pronounced in a developing state like Kogi. Bottom line is, if you live in States with more universities, the chances are that you’re already reaping some of those benefits.

2. Universities Changes The Face of A State:
Every community as a major landowner, the universities are significant investors in the built-up of environment. Campus developments reshape the skyline while providing new civic identities.

Therefore, CUSTECH will usher in a series of new buildings which will play vital role in the revitalization of an historic part of the state civic centre.

A project like CUSTECH will not only just be about expansion, it would be increasingly centred on opening the terrain up as physical and social spaces for the wider community.

3. CUSTECH Will Attract Global Talent:
CUSTECH have a tremendous ability to attract global talent to the state and and the nation at large. There has been considerably overseers that are academic staff at Nigerian universities. This is also thesame as the country has generated considerable revenue from international students for the national economy.

Given to the seriousness and standard of CUSTECH as seen in her plan, one is convinced that CUSTECH once begins operation will remain an attractive destination for international students.

4. CUSTECH Will Build International Connections:
International staff and students do more than just boost the economy. They contribute to the vitality of their communities and help develop tolerant and inclusive societies.

Thus, CUSTECH Internationalisation will help create lasting links into global networks such as academic mobility and research collaborations, extend intellectual and cultural interaction and in doing so helps to develop international relations. With this, numerous world leaders will be willing to be a product of CUSTECH and this sense create essential spaces of soft diplomacy.

5. CUSTECH Will Help To Address Societal Challenges:

Closer to home, academic analysis provides local governments and communities with a robust evidence base to inform public policy. CUSTECH has been seen to be well positioned to offer comprehensive, independent assessments of issues ranging from global health, global economy, and impacts to other spheres of life. Thus CUSTECH will be serving the state and Nigeria not only as consultant but also as critical allies.

In clear terms, it will as well offer vital services to the surrounding communities that are otherwise scarce, including access to health-care, cultural amenities and even sports facilities, especially looking at cutbacks in public sector funding. CUSTECH Will be equipped to museums, art theatre, teaching hospitals which will be opened to the public across the country, and run a series of supports for the community to engage with.

6. CUSTECH Will Foster Creativity, Technological Advancement And Open Debate:
The CUSTECH will support a number of creativities. It will usher more technological innovation that will aid massively the state and country’s growth in areas of production, exploration and exploitation of the abundant mineral resources in Kogi State.

Also, it will in turn generate exciting intellectual and artistic scenes that are strong pulls in their own right. Artistic and creative endeavours can help to put a state or country on the map, helping to boost global competitiveness. More so, academia’s critical cultural impulses also catalyse necessary acts to which marginalised groups speak truth to power in a mature and responsible way than ruinous protest.

7. CUSTECH As An Education of Learning Will Improve Lives:
Most fundamentally, we must not lose sight of the fact that access to higher education improves lives. It enhances self-knowledge, employment opportunities and promotes civic participation.

CUSTECH will not only be agent of employment, social mobility, or rather sites of training and instruction, it will also serves for crucial intellectual milieus where knowledge is created, disseminated and challenged. Stepping foot on CUSTECH campus would be an aspirational experience. And that, it can foster opportunities for collaboration, knowledge exchange and social empowerment.

CUSTECH with her well-funded plan will have a tremendous social and economic impact. Yes, work is ongoing and with time the optimum standard and goal in physical and general development regarding the university will be achieved.

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