March 29, 2025

The Kitchen and The Dinning Room, a case study of Politics.

For a long time, I have seen the way people feel happy when there is a call that the dinning table is set, food is ready and probably as household member, relative or family friends, we get excited knowing that all you need to do is make yourself available and enjoy the meal, not minding how the meal got to the dinning table.

In my younger age, one of the places we dislike our attention being called to was inside the kitchen especially when it is dirty, untidy. We are sure the call to such a place is to work, get the plate clean, get the floor mopped, tidy the whole kitchen and get it set for meal to be prepared.
Why is the positive ecstasy in going to dinning table not the same as what is experienced in going to the kitchen to tidy it and prepare food. It means most of us just want to enjoy good food without working in the kitchen.

This moment, I want to likened the political terrain to the kitchen while that of the dinning room as the governance. Yes in this part of the world, plenty people want to eat good food but they don’t have the time and energy to tidy the kitchen and join hand in cooking a good meal. We will never get the best in the dinning room, if we neglect what happened in the kitchen.

I remember in my undergraduate years in school, my flatmate happened to be remedial guy who has all the time to cook but always cook apology, he doesn’t select beans before cooking, and some one like me that takes time to chew will always shout ‘O’God’ for every spoon, in no time, I started giving attention to what I eat by cooking food myself.

So if we are not happy with what we are being served in the dinning room of governance, we must attend to the kitchen of politics.
Often times, I heard the statement, “politics is dirty”, some people even see some of us going into the game as corrupted person, we say it is a dirty game, but we are perpetually without choice served with the meal from such dirty game, and we keep wailing and complaining.

The truth is that complaint and wail will never bring the best food we desire from the kitchen of Politics, we must take responsibility at every time to participate in the kitchen of Politics and join hands in sanitizing it, picking the best , and cooking the right food (candidates), so we get served the right meal of good governance.
I will like to ask the general populace, yes especially you, do you belong to any political party, are you duely registered, do you have your PVC or have you enrol in the ongoing registration. Or are you waiting for few to go into the kitchen of Politics while you sit in the dinning room of good governance waiting for the best meal (dividends of democracy). I urge you to take responsibility, go clean/sanitize the kitchen, join hand in cooking and ready to serve and be served the sweet meal of good governance.

Before I close, the kitchen don’t get clean once and for all time, it takes process, and after every cook and dinning, the kitchen can always get dirty and will continually needs us to clean it. Let’s not be tired of cleaning the kitchen of Politics if we are not tired of asking for the good meal of good governance.
Remember no bad cook (Politicians) will leave the kitchen of Politics for you, you need to just join and bring a better input and who knows, your idea can help make a better meal of good governance.

Go and register for your PVC now.
Go and Be an active member of Political Party.

Your votes count.

By Comr. Solace Omolaiye

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