January 7, 2025

EXPOSED! Kogi Opposition figures admits to dwelling on fabrication than facts

True to the suspicion of political actors in Kogi State, opposition figures have admitted to dwelling on fabrication and outright falsehood using the Social Media to advance their course.

This revelation was made by some known social media activists for the opposition who have gained notoriety for fabrication and falsification to gain public attention.

One of the frontliners in that regard, Mr Akor Martins inadvertently admitted that the opposition was creating stories that are untrue and feeding it to the public when he responded to a piece of advice offered by one of their former members now supporter of government, Mr Arome Eboh in a WhatsApp group chat.

Mr Eboh had loudly wondered how the likes of Mr Martins and his co – travelers would continue to function in the wailing venture for the next four years of the current administration with non – issues as stock in trade, a suggestion that elicited a response from Mr Martins reminding Mr Arome on how they had functioned in the first tenure of the government using the same tactics.

Even as the discussion later took another dimension, Insidestory reports that the exchange is an indictment on those who position themselves in the public space like pro – masses who are, in actual fact, only interested in fabrication of outright falsehood.

Mr. Akor Martins is said to be one of the protégé of one Austin Okai who is notorious for peddling fake and unsustainable news against the government of Kogi State.

Akor Martins is a civil servant working in NARSDA. HE Joined NARSDA in 2019 as patronage for the constant fabrication and peddling of fake and false new on the APC lead Government in Kogi State.

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